ヾ(´^,^)ノ♪ ヾ(´^,^)ノ♪ ヾ(´^,^)ノ♪
Busy as a bee, flying here and there. On a shopping spree, charging everywhere. ★ Take away her card, before she ruins your life. Nothing is as hard, as a shopping wife.
Belum waktunya belanja-belanji perlengkapan baby siih, tapiiii udah ngiler-ngiler ajeee dari sekaranggg, hihihi...
Sekarang cara belanja semakin variatif dan dipermudah dengan maraknya online shop, gw agak ngecesss juga kalo liat-liat baby online shop, selain harganya biasanya lebih miring, milih-milihnya juga enak..santaiii, bisa sambil dasteran, minum, ngemil, nonton dan tinggal klak-klik ajaaaa...pemalesan! :p
Gw udah nandain beberapa baby online shop yang nantinya mungkin bakal gw sambangi bwat bela-beli sesuatu bwat kakak...semoga berjodoohh...beberapa online shop yang gw temuin adalah:
- Breastpump, breastfeeding accessories, bottle and storage, bag cooler, etc : Asia Bayi
- Baby blanket, baby carrier, baby box, nursery, car seat, etc : Toko Bunda
- Baby carrier, stroller, travelcot : Yuki Baby Shop
- Baby furniture, feeding accessories, baby box : Cleo Babys
- Accessories, baby and mom care, diaper, bag : Baby Ruena
- Foldanet, bottle accessories, mom's clothing, books : Baby On Store
- Nursing pillow, diaper, baby carrier : Mom n Baby Shop
- Bottle, breastpump, bouncer, food processor : Tania Shop
- Toys, feeding and nursing, nursery, bath and skin care : Baby Parcel
- Baby box, bouncer, car seat, booster seat : Lovely Baby Shop
- Bathing, bedding, bouncer, clothing, carrier : Alice Baby Shop
- Supplier botol kaca asi dan cooler bag : Avellino Shop
- Breastpump, cooler bag, breastmilk bottle and support : Gerai Laktasi
- Bedding, bumper box : Farliku Baby Shop
- Bedding, bumper box : d'beddingshop
- Bedding, bumper box : dcutezbaby
- Bedding, bumper box : delunashop
- Alas Ompol Renata : RenataShopShop
- Shocking Socks : Freya Shop
Kalo yang di facebook :
- Baby MJ Shoppe
- Ayura Baby Shop
- Ivory Baby Chrysant
- Moosye Baby Shop
- TheDiapers Baby Shop
- Baby Uwi Shop
- Tokokubaby Anya
- Oswald Baby Shop
- Babyweito Perlengkapan Baby
- Baby Lievia
- Little Keenan's House
- OlivePopeye Baby Shop
Segitu dulu dehh, nanti kalo udah transaksi sama mereka gw cantumin review-nya, mudah-mudahan nanti pas waktunya belanja barang-barangnya pada lucu-lucu dan harganya mursidaaaaa...hehehe *teteup!*